Gmail Support
Gmail is awesome. Nuff Said? No there are so many reasons Gmail is what we use and we more than recommend it for our clients and friends. When it comes to support we like to use the chat function to work with you if you need help with your site. Typically you will find us on our laptops working on our clients sites. The chat function in Gmail can work on many levels and at the same time. There is the texting, audio and video chat functions and when used in conjunction with Google+ there is even a group video function called hangout. In Gmail you will usually find one of the creators of your site in our chat section of your gmail. From there you can text them and or audio chat with them on your computer. This allows you to have your hands free while you are working on your keyboard and with your mouse on your site. We can then look at your site and dashboard while we advise you as to what you are looking for in order to get some results you are looking to do. We can also suggest links that might help you while are working and send them to you through the chat feature on gmail as we are talking. It is almost like we are sitting next to you the whole time.