Difference Between Pages and Posts
I have been helping a lot of clients get familiar with Word Press Sites that we build for them and one of the Questions that I always get asked is what is the difference between a Page and a Post?. Well it is as complex as it is simple. First the simple explanation. Posts are categorized and Pages are not. On the right hand side of the screen when you are creating or editing a Page or a Post you will see some differences. When editing a Post you will see Categories on the Right of your input for the Post. This is not present when creating or editing a Page. Pages are slightly different. Where you would see the Categories you will find Template options. These are editable as PHP files giving you complete control of the look of your page. Mainly they are used to create custom features like changing the number of columns or putting a custom background or sidebar and such on a specific page whereas Posts all have to be the same. You can not categorize pages unless you program that in yourself and a lot of the newer themes have some cool custom page templates that will grab categories of Posts for you and perform nice galleries and or portfolio pages based on the Categorizing of Posts. This last statement seams simple but is part of the cool complexity of how Word Press design works with it’s code.
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