I Want a Website
Well here is a guide of what to expect.
Building a website is possibly the most important and cost effective mode of marketing for any business. (why)
Some of the reasons are:
- It works all day every day
- It is interactive with your audience
- It is able to be modified at anytime (why we are better)
- Yearly cost compared to outdated print advertizing is way lower
- Traffic is track-able allowing you to adjust your campaign to reach more of an audience
- There is no limit to how much content you can add over time
This sounds great so what do you need to get started with this wonderful marketing tool?
Get and Create Content.
Sounds simple as one word but What is this all important “content”?
Well content is everything from:
- Name of your Company
- Address of your company
- Phone Number
- Your Logo
- Pictures of what you do
- Pictures of what you have done
- Written descriptions of everything you do.(what do I say)
- Written articles of what is involved with what you do. (new products or developements in your industry)
- Why you use a particular brand of product and how this can help your customer and the value they are getting.
- Videos
- Any media (ie radio commercials pod casts youtube)
Free Stuff
Oh there are a ton of things you should get familiar with and get started using:
- Gmail account
- Drop Box
- Google Plus
- Facebook both professional and business page (explain professional)
- Business Listing on Googlemaps
- Online Coupon
Well this is all great but what do you do for me?
We will determine what your best options are for your site and develop a build plan that will be able to grow with your company and its needs.
Here are some of the things we will be helping you implement.
- The Look and flow of your site (Web Design)
- CMS (Content Management System)
- SEO (Search Engine Optimizatioin) The Most Powerful Tool
- Online Store
- Blog
- Graphic Design (Logo)
- Content Developement (making your content more effective)
- Social Media
- Coupons
- Shopping Carts
Some things might have to be custom and that will need to be developed with your specific guidance. Remember we work as experts in webdesign and SEO we do not do what your company does and we don’t claim to be experts at what you do. We help you let the world know what experts you are at what you do!
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