August-September Newsletter
Free Marketing Tips Offered Within Our Blog
For the past several months, we have been decisively studying a new wave of marketing methods. We want to share this knowledge with everyone who wants to learn how to upgrade and manage the organic SEO of your own site. These methods are usually free and require little more than an hour a day to improve the quantity and quality of visitors to your sites.
We’re discovering the importance of a load of critical but unexciting things like:
- Researching your market
- Testing different propositions to suit your chosen market
- Learning how to write compelling copy
- And trying out a range of content to see what works best
These skills are not part of the average modern web designer’s arsenal, but they very soon will be! Those web site owners and designers who don’t apply the knowledge that direct marketers have built up over the last 125 years will soon find it harder to compete against those who can show real business results, backed up with figures.
We’re discovering a range of simple techniques that can have a massive impact on the success rates of your site. Many of these have been known for generations among certain disciplines, and it’s time we bring them into daily use in web design and online marketing.
Free Optimization Webinar
Our business development guy, Christian, recently attended several seminar on web site optimization and wants to share and disseminate the information to all of our associates.
We’re following up with our own free webinar to give time to answer our clients and all attendees’ questions. We also commit to analyse a few sample sites submitted in advance of the webinar. This will probably be on Monday September 23rd at around 13.00-15.00 Central time, but I’ll confirm the date & time later.
If you would like to attend, watch out for an email from me in the next week or so, and I’ll give you the link. Places are limited to 100, but we may follow up with more over the following weeks, so if you don’t get on, please let me know.
Our goal is to share all of our knowledge with the public. The day of paying insane amounts for someone else to monitor and maintain your SEO campaign are definitely not over, but we want to at least show you how to take control of your marketing should you choose to.
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