Doris Clark

Doris Clark


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SEO Executive

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Comments (4)

  • Doris

    Hi Brett & Christian – Brett, I added 2 post under model homes if you want to check and see if I did them properly. Thanks again for the class. Doris

    July 29, 2009 at 9:33 pm
  • sicksens

    Very good,
    I like the way you’ve added the fun text. It is the easiest way to hold space on a post until you’ve found the text you’d most like to have in it’s place…
    How many model home post and how often do you foresee putting them up? A good rule of thumb is one-two at a time like you did…
    Another is to space them out at about two to three per week… This way you won’t run out of current material to post. Also, feel free to have a post about your scroll-work. It never hurts to impart your knowledge to people on your site. This will ensure higher traffic and subscription to your postings.

    July 29, 2009 at 10:51 pm
  • Doris

    Should I actually start adding real posts? I would like to start with the Showcase house which would be under Models.

    July 29, 2009 at 11:34 pm
  • sicksens

    It would be a good idea to begin adding them. In the page where you add the data… Make sure that there is a check beside allow comments. This will ensure that people can communicate with you about your postings and increase site traffic.

    July 30, 2009 at 12:22 am

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