New Design Coming Soon

New Design Coming Soon

Please continue to visit during the coming weeks.  We will be performing a complete site redesign and would love some feedback on ideas to critiquing.  We will be looking forward to your responses and thoughts on what directions you think would go well with our content and its ability to enrich the Web Design and SEO communities of both Naperville and Chicago.hidden links

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Comments (4)

  • Bri

    Looking forward to seeing it. Will you release this one at the same time as the free themes you’ve been talking about?

    September 12, 2009 at 7:05 pm
  • James

    Wait? Free themes? You haven’t told me about any free themes?
    What are they and when are you putting them out?

    September 12, 2009 at 7:06 pm
  • Craig

    Good to hear about the themes. When do we get to take a peak?

    September 12, 2009 at 7:07 pm
  • Christian

    All in good time. Brett and I are working quickly for some customers at this time. That is the reason for the delay on our own site update. We’ve been making so many lately though, that some of the themes are going to be released just after our site makeover. Keep in touch and we’ll have them up soon.

    September 12, 2009 at 7:09 pm

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