Psdtuts+ is Looking for Designers to Create Quick Tips

Psdtuts+ is Looking for Designers to Create Quick Tips

Quick tips are 3-5 minute screencasts, short articles, or short 6-10 step tutorials on how to do something simple, quick, but useful. There are lots of tips, tricks and techniques that can be packaged into brief educational material. Read on if you have some ideas for submitting a Quick Tip to Psdtuts+, we’d love to hear from you.

Submitting Quick Tips

We post numerous quick tips each week, and pay $50 USD as the base rate for these. Following is information on creating these. You can learn more on our updated page: Submit Tutorials, Tips, Articles, or Other Content.

Quick Tip: Short Written Tutorials

See our Written Tutorials section for information on putting together a written tutorial. Quick Tip tutorials are similar, except these are shorter and more focused (6-10 steps). Here is an example:

Quick Tip: Screencast/Videos

See our Video (Screencast) Tutorials section for information on putting together a video/screencast tutorial. Quick Tip screencasts are similar, except these are shorter and more focused (3-5 minutes). Here is an example:

Quick Tip: Articles

See our Articles section for information on putting together written articles. Quick Tip articles are similar, except these are shorter and more focused (around 500 words). Here is an example:

Submit a Quick Tip Concept for Review

You can send in for review a single JPG image, and a short paragraph quick tip pitch, prior to writing or recording your quick tip. You can do this by following this link:

Submit a Completed Quick Tip

Once you’ve finalized your work, completed quick tips can be submitted here:

In cases where the final file is larger than 15mb you can contact the editor through the Psdtuts+ Preview Submission Form and discuss sending the file via a service like

Other Content

There is quite a bit of diversity of content we publish on Psdtuts+, and we’re expanding all the time. Learn more about writing tutorials, putting together articles, or recording screencasts, in addition to making Quick Tips on our updated page: Submit Tutorials, Tips, Articles, or Other Content.

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