Tag - Naperville SEM

Follow-Up on Client Protection and Care

I have been away from the key-board for a few days.  I was asked to help a few friend re-roof a house in Bolingbrook, Illinois.   A word of advice: if a friend ask you to help put up a new roof, ensure he is on the roof helping as well.  He's asked me to help with another house here in Naperville, but this time I think I'll be a bit to busy to join.hidden links I wanted to follow-up on my most recent post.  The responses to Some SEO Companies Aren’t Protecting Their Own brought so much good communication and received enough interaction to be revisited once more. A comment made to this post was key:
"Shane Gray on Saturday 3, 2009
Christian, Good topic. On the whole this was a well thought out and highly relevant piece. I have some more specific comments but they are sort of off topic and ask that you email me for a more thorough reply. It is a pressingBiggest-SEO-Scam issue you present. One of my first ever jobs was making bagels in a small family owned bakery at the end of a strip mall. The business went under because the new owner of the strip mall refused to honor the no competition clause from the previous landlord and allowed a Dunkin Donuts to open at the other end of the strip mall. What you present is the digital version of the same greedy and irresponsible behavior." We've met with several large SEO Groups in the Chicago and Naperville area recently and have been given feedback that would make some cringe.  They were highly upset that we were letting people in on the dirty secret of the SEO market.  From this posting, many thought that we had broken some unwritten code that all SEO groups should never tell the customers the truth about what we do.  I'd like to make it very clear that there is no secret handshake or code that we have with other groups and that all of our loyalties are entrusted with our customers, not our fellow marketers.
If your SEO and SEM group will not sign a "No Compete", you may wish to move on to those who will.  While this is not needed in all cases, for a local marketing campaign, it should be considered a key to success.   Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization are of no use if your Marketer is working for both you and your competition. In Naperville, this has been happening far to often and is taking away from the ability of competing sites to actually compete. The most recent meeting we had was with a gentleman who claimed that his system would democratically rotate his clients through the top pages and spread the wealth of business throughout all of them.  Many businesses who employ him have no idea that this is even occurring.  The customer only knows that they are paying to be listed on the top pages of the search engines.  Why pay for competitive marketing when there's no competition?  Anyone who thinks that SEO and SEM is not competitive marketing is gravely mistaken; were it not, it wouldn't be worth as much in cost and value as it has been elevated to. Again, I've ranted and rambled throughout this entire post, but the message and points made are key to ensuring quality customer support.  If your SEO or SEM group is not offering a "No Compete Contract" you may being throwing your money and potential business into a burn pit.  Consider how much time and money you will likely invest into a quality SEO and SEM campaign; do you really want it to be given to a group that will be supporting your competitors with the same if not more interest than your own. Please forgive the rant appeal of these two post, but for me it is still a sore issue that has a bitter consequence.

On Your Own SEO

Below are seo tips covering the basic seo steps required for your website to get found in the natural search resultshidden links ladder Climbing your own ladder of SEO Success The first step when carrying out SEO on your website is to define which keywords or search terms you would like to be found under. We help you with the keyword selection and you approve the final list of search terms you want to target for your seo campaign. Keyword sources generally tend to include search tools such as Google adword keyword checker, overture and obvious keywords relative to your business. Most clients generally tend to already have an idea what they need to target for the SEO campaign and we elaborate further using the seo tools provided by Google. Keyword selection is imperative for SEO and can often decide how effective your seo promotion will be long term. If the right keywords are targeted you will receive better conversions through your website. Second seo tip is keyword grouping Keyword grouping involves an analysis into the keywords which have been agreed you for the SEO package. This SEO process is to define which keywords are to be targeted on certain pages within your website. An old method many SEO companies use is to create a new page targeted for each keyword. Due to Google algorithm changes a more efficient way is to group keyword variations together and target these phrases across one optimized page. This reduces the risk of content repetition across a website which is essential for successful seo promotion. It is important to target key phrases on website pages with a relevant theme. For example if a keyword 'marketing' was optimized on a web page called 'web design', it will be a lot more difficult getting to page one in the organic search for 'marketing'. Try and call the web page a top phrase that variations can be written up in the body of text to compliment the web page name. Unique content is key for seo We create unique content based on the agreed keywords for your SEO campaign. The content generated is then placed onto relevant pages on your site. We ensure not to spam the keyword density of the keywords targeted as over optimizing can have an adverse affect on your search engine ranking. Unique content plays an important part in seo as should the content appear anywhere else on the internet Google refer to this as 'mirroring' and could result in no positioning depending on how much content is copied on your website. SEO tips for a web page layout There are areas with your web page layout to please the key terms you are targeting that makes your web page layout stronger than if they were not in place. These areas are titles tags, meta tag descriptions, meta tag keyword placements, alt tags, headers (h1 h2). Ensure you do not repeat yourself page to page when placing in the coding of your web pages. To be stronger than the competition it is essential that every page in your website reads differently. The more specific you are when implementing these seo techniques the easier it is not to repeat yourself. Backward linking is the seo tip that brings the whole seo process together Backward links are internal links and external links. Internal linking is favored by the search engine spiders as they know they can trust the source, your own website as opposed to external linking. External links are governed stringently now by Google due to all the link farms used by unethical programmers and the difficulty in governing them. To appear high in the search results is not about budget, it is about what clever seo techniques are implemented for your website. Backward keyword anchor text linking plays a fundamental part in your website appearing on page one in the natural search results. Website development is key for long term success in the search engines. Using the seo tips provided, you will need to keep adding new web pages, building folder structures around your targeted search terms and linking them together with the key phrases is key for seo to be a success. We explain in an 'easy to understand' way on all requirements. Visit our search engine optimization page to know what you can expect from Naper Design as a client.

Search Engine Optimization

process-seo In recent years, the claims have been maid that a company can place you on the first page of search engines with a fair amount of ease.  If such a day did exist, it has long since passed.  Presently, SEO is a complex and time exhausting process.  It does not have to be a pained task, but there is a requirement for time to be invested into it.  Fortunately, blogs and CMS have become the favored manner of boosting productivity and traffic to ones site. Becoming connected through other sites on line, along with key words tend to remain the only strong SEO theories that have true power above others.  It's not to say that other methods do not work, but I personally try for the notion of free before anything else.  A great article on SEO and Site Traffic was written by CNN Money HERE. There are also various outlets of ideas in boosting SEO and Site Traffic.  One group known as HubSpot utilize a website grading tool.  The results and tips given after running your domain through this program are quite beneficial to the basic output of ones site.  It would be highly suggested to begin small with steps like these.  Anyone who's conducted your site build should have included Meta Data, Alt Tags and Key Words for at least your main page.  It should be noted, if you have a Flash Based (Not Flash Included) website, you may be hurting on real optimization.  Because of its layout, flash player sites have very little if any text to be indexed by search engines.  They also take forever to load... Something the average visitor to your site may not be willing to wait through.hidden linkshidden linkshidden links One posting a week will be geared toward site developement, SEO or Wordpress. Thank you