Author - sicksens

Mikogo Support

Downloading Mikogo To download the Mikogo software visit the Mikogo Download page on our website. In the left hand navigation, you will see two options: Windows Download and Mac Download. Select the appropriate download for your computer. Getting started on Windows computers To get started just download and install the Mikogo software. Once you see the M icon in your system tray in the lower right corner of your computer screen you may enter your user details and start a Mikogo meeting. Getting started on Mac computers Download the Mikogo program, double click on the file and the M icon will appear in both the dock and the menu bar. To start a meeting, click on the M icon in your menu bar to open the menu, select "Start Meeting", and enter your user details. Further details available here. Help us spread the word We think Mikogo is a great tool and is something that everybody can benefit from. So we would be really pleased if you tell your friends about Mikogo. Alternatively it would be great if you could write a post about Mikogo on your blog or website. To make it easier when writing about Mikogo, you are welcome to use our Mikogo screenshots, banners, logos, as well as text. Just visit our screenshots page and Mikogo Blog and help yourself to some great graphics and information. Enjoy Mikogo and thank you for your support. The Mikogo Team ?

What Are The Best Management Groups For My PPC Campaign?

Last week we met with a client concerning his Pay  Per Click managed account.  While reviewing his keywords for SEO, we looked at the keywords he was paying for.  To our surprise, he was paying top dollar for items that seemed just short of criminal.  While Naper Design has at times taken a stance against PPC campaigns, we do recognize the need for strong advertising management in professional settings.  Often the view has been that we are completely anti-PPC ads.  This would be a very incorrect interpretation of our core beliefs.  The problem we have are managed accounts that sell and bid for keywords that are unneeded or to expensive, selling to competing groups, and dishonest practices.  I should point out that there are PPC management groups out there that are honest and provide quality service, but when looking for an advertising group, it would be wise to check that the following keyword issues are not arising:

1. Paying For What You Don't Have To

Our encounter last week began with a web design client of ours asking us to add some of his PPC keywords into his site.  This is perfectly common and highly encouraged.  The better the keyword score in the content, the lower the keyword will cost... (so use it...).  What surprised us was that the client was being charged for any and all variations of their own business name.   Even worse, they were being charged for their competitions business name.  Keywords are generally for prospective customers that don't know the business that they are looking for, not for your assured clients that already know who you are.  Title tags should be used to make sure that your business name keeps you up top, but paying for a listing directly above your organic listing is absolutely ridiculous and highly dishonest by your marketing management team.  If you find that you are paying for your business name, it would be highly advised to demand an audit of clicks to that keyword and a refund for them.  In the future, I would also suggest ensuring that they are never added to a campaign. -the only exception to this rule is for large companies that have scam sites attempting to take traffic, sadly, these still need title payment-

2. Wanted But Unneeded PPC Keywords

At what point are you happy with your position in the search engines?  There are arguments that say first on everything, and then there are those that say bottom of first page.  The debate on placement will continue to rage with no winners but several losers.  The problem is that it's so case specific that nothing can be considered doctrine.  The only thing certain is that there is a point when the owner should feel comfortable in his organic, and comfortable in his Search Engine Marketing(SEM).  If a keyword cost $50.00/click, but you rank on the middle of Page 2, is it worth it to pay for a listing?  The hard answer is "probably not, but possibly maybe". No one can say with absolute assurance that this keyword will inspire a client.  No one can say with any certainty that a client will not be born from someone clicking the add.  The point is to maximize the performance of your add campaign.  This requires sitting down with a calculator, a rank checking script ( We use Traffic Travis because the cartoon is cute), and weighing which keywords will pay for themselves and provide the best profits for the money spent.  This process should not be painless, and should not be quick.  This should be a process where both parties delve into the need of each keyword to make sure for effectiveness.  If this is something that is blown off or rushed by your advertisement representative, then I would suggest caution.  Nothing is worse than moving to quickly through a situation and purchasing something that wasn't needed.  Proper management of your funds will lead to better returns on your investments.

3.Dishonest Practices

Most advertising management companies that you can meet face to face are going to be reputable.  There are a few out the who are not honest, but they often don't survive a market based on the value of public image.  Most dishonest practices tend to come from Cold Calling representatives who either refuse to meet in person, or can't because they live somewhere completely out of range.  It is highly suggested to conduct a simple Google search of a reps number as soon as you hear from them.  In this day and age of shared information, people are quick to report harassing calls from marketers, and more importantly, the ones that are selling a Scam.  While it's true that not every company can be met with face to face, it is highly suggested to only teleconference with companies that have proven themselves to be reputable.  If you conduct a search and find nothing but complaints, it's a good possibility that you will want to avoid their practices.  There are companies that have been spammed, and as much as we fight against these practices, the ultimate goal for you as a business owners is to safeguard your business. Keep in mind, not every marketing company is suitable for your business.  Likewise, your business might not be suitable for the marketing agency.  Each agency has its strong-suits and they may differ from your company goals.  Come prepared with questions relevant to your business goals. After all, no matter how reputable, honest and effective the marketing company may be, if they don't know your exact goals for the future, they will be unable to perform to peak performance. For a list of trusted marketing agents, we suggest asking businesses that have been around for some time.  Ask them what companies they have worked with.  Study the trends in conversation.  Like all situations, if you stick with the winners, you'll follow their path.

PrestaShop Shopping Cart Layout Problems

Because the original structure of PrestaShop is based in French, English speaking (and especially developing) designers and developers should pay special notice to the layout of the checkout page.  Within the inherent French sentence structure, the taxes are added in while in addition to the shipping and added Value Added Taxes(VAT's).  Because of it's location, English speaking developers may wish to move, or just completely remove the Tax addition part of the check out page.  In this post, I'm going to explain the second and more reliable option of how to simply remove the unneeded code. First, we need to install the Tax on Separate Level modification offered by PrestO ChangeO.  These guys go the distance with producing highly functional and executable PrestaShop Modules and modifications.  With this mod put in place, the taxes will be automatically visible and viewable within the active shopping cart.  Doing this enables customers to be completely updated on any potential taxes and rate increases. Why would we do this?  To remove the need of having taxes represented on the last page (WARNING!!! do not use the next phase of this method if a VAT tax is needed. or if your site is headquartered out of a country or state that requires a VAT tax) Be advised, this method may not be needed with the changes to PrestaShop 1.3.2 We will next go to an editor and bring up the Theme>shopping cart.tpl You're going to want to back up the shopping cart.tpl file and look for a set of code mentioning the specific portions you are looking for.  Take caution to only remove portions that you wish to not be seen while leaving all components needed for function. We will have a video of this edit up soon,  Again, if you are using the new PrestaShop, leave this advice for someone with an older version or older theme.

Free Christmas Holiday Vectors

With the Holidays fast approaching, we are beginning the rounding up of decorative holiday vectors.  There will be many more besides these Christmas Vectors, but we thought it would be best to start with the easy ones.  We are actively looking for any and all Hanukkah and Quanza Vectors to offer to the public and anyone willing to share their own are encouraged to contact us.  We will gladly add any and all Christmas, Hanukkah, Quanza, Yule, or any other holiday season Vector Set to our collection to deliver them exposure to the public. 1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Again, please send any and all holiday Vectors, and we will gladly share them with the public for you.

PrestaShop Unfiltered – Latest News on Prestashop Sites

OK, so PrestaShop is likely the most awesome script to ever be developed for PHP based e-commerce.

That being said, it can be a royal pain in the ass.  When put to the test of the modern web, and of modern web design, PrestaShop 1.3 appears to be unmatched in both versatility and ability.  The problem with something so incredibly strong is that it comes with specifics that we didn't understand when we began using.  Add in that most of the support for PrestaShop is written in French or German, and you have long nights using the Google translator to understand a new program.  Here are three of our greatest problems with this Sports Clothing and Memorabilia Website and the solutions we found for them.

1.) Data Entry-

The default Preshop CSV Uploader has problems with the use of certain type symbols in the uploaded descriptions.  Our client is one of the best Fans Wear and Online Sports Clothing stores in the Chicago Area, so dollar signs and trademark emblems are a must have.   The solution is to update these post-upload.  You also can't re-appoint item numbers once the first upload has been completed.  This means careful planing and strategy must be incorporated into building your databases.  Planning the database well, and having a map of the item numbers and category numbers will make sure that you can more easily find problems and errors within the tables.  Brett recommends creating an ID numeric system for the products as well.  Uploading the numbers through the CSV uploader will allow you to designate their ID instead of PrestaShop giving them an arbitrary listing.  Again, this allows tracking of errors and problem within the tables.

2. Styling

This one was news to me.  Most of the minor styling within PShop is still conducted in PHP and Module areas.  What this means is that CSS will not save all situations, and sometimes makes it far worse. The PrestaShop Modules are given specific table locations, while still working in the new DIV and Class structure.  While the global CSS style sheet is used for most every aspect of design, it's more of the finishing piece for an already designed build.  This seemed limiting in design structure at first because we were so used to using CSS for all web styling.  The construct with PHP tables is actually much more decisive than most builds we've used in the past.  In many ways, it's like the fundamental Layout of a rails system.  For any piece of the site, code can be adopted, or dropped all together when it is intruding.  As long as the code is visual and non-functional, the site can function without it. This allows for extra code to be inserted in and multiple expressions to be used in its fashion.

3. The .htaccess will not work on the back side of Wordpress.

PrestaShop 1.2 and 1.3 offer a strong set of strings for a working .htaccess and therefore, friendly urls.  The problem is that when placed as a back file system of a Wordpress build, and any other .htaccess driven sites, the database will always collapse when making categories.  While there is some information out there about this phenomenon, Brett and I may have been the first team to really get rapped up in putting PrestaShop shopping carts on the Back side of a blog url. All we can tell you is this.  Wordpress is by far the most SEO friendly foundation for any dynamic website or web development.  We believe that the wordpress development on the front end of the online store should be more than enough to boost the site relevancy.  If anyone has found a way to fix the .htaccess in a way that not only works, but works behind wordpress, please let us know.  Up until now, all solutions have been very limited in the amount of categories that they would allow.

Working with Attributes in PrestaShop

I have been working with PrestaShop now for over a month. One of the challenges is getting the attributes to work for the products. If you try to upload the attributes with the products in the csv file you will get a very disappointing side effect. The attributes will go to the cart all together so the store has no way of determining what attribute you are ordering. On the site I am working on we needed sizes for shirts. The sizes had different prices as well. The cart was catching the price change but put all of the sizes on the shirt not just the one size you would want to order. I figured I could just make separate categories for the product by size and crashed the whole site. Our hosting service has been working on this problem ever since. I have learned that the new php does not like having over 300 categories. My client's site had over 1300 categories when I crashed it. I then realized I needed to get the attributes to work. I found you can import the attributes separately and they will work just fine. Then you are forced to add the attributes to every product individually and they will work the way they are supposed to. I will be putting pics up soon of this process.

New Hurdle with PrestaShop

I have had tons of problems with PrestaShop. My most recent problem is coming up when my price changes due to a combination. The price in the buy_block is wrong and doesn't match the price in cart that is correct. I checked the tax options and turned them off because they don't work either. I would like the simple things to work when I'm using such a popular e-commerce solution.


Fall Foliage Stock Images

With Autumn quickly approaching, we thought it would be wise to gather a group of free use images from across the internet for our readers.  Fall colors are a timeless and beautiful way to show feeling in the beginning on the holiday season.  We will be placing links at the base of the page to all of the origins of the images, and only re post images that are royalty free anyway. Enjoy these stock image of Fall colors and all of their beauty.

Our Stock Images of Chicago

We took a trip to Chicago this past week to meet with Dr Yahav at the Water Tower.  While on the way, we thought it would be cool to bring the camera and take what images we could.  Since we'd just purchased $250.00 worth of images for the doctor, we thought we should at least grab a couple to through on istock.  As a result, we ended the day with 10 really good istock quality images, and a lot of very useful stock to offer for free.  Here are the Images of Chicago from our first trip of September. -Enjoy-

August-September Newsletter

Free Marketing Tips Offered Within Our Blog

For the past several months, we have been decisively studying a new wave of marketing methods.  We want to share this knowledge with everyone who wants to learn how to upgrade and manage the organic SEO of your own site.  These methods are usually free and require little more than an hour a day to improve the quantity and  quality of visitors to your sites. We're discovering the importance of a load of critical but unexciting things like:
  • Researching your market
  • Testing different propositions to suit your chosen market
  • Learning how to write compelling copy
  • And trying out a range of content to see what works best
These skills are not part of the average modern web designer’s arsenal, but they very soon will be! Those web site owners and designers who don’t apply the knowledge that direct marketers have built up over the last 125 years will soon find it harder to compete against those who can show real business results, backed up with figures. We’re discovering a range of simple techniques that can have a massive impact on the success rates of your site. Many of these have been known for generations among certain disciplines, and it’s time we bring them into daily use in web design and online marketing.

Free Optimization Webinar

Our business development guy, Christian, recently attended several seminar on web site optimization and wants to share and disseminate the information to all of our associates. We’re following up with our own free webinar to give time to answer our clients and all attendees’ questions. We also commit to analyse a few sample sites submitted in advance of the webinar. This will probably be on Monday September 23rd at around 13.00-15.00 Central time, but I’ll confirm the date & time later. If you would like to attend, watch out for an email from me in the next week or so, and I’ll give you the link. Places are limited to 100, but we may follow up with more over the following weeks, so if you don’t get on, please let me know. Our goal is to share all of our knowledge with the public.  The day of paying insane amounts for someone else to monitor and maintain your SEO campaign are definitely not over, but we want to at least show you how to take control of your marketing should you choose to.