Gem Pro Dj

Gem Pro Dj

karaokegraphicRecently, our friend Clint came to us with an idea… Take his Joomla site and turn it to WordPress.  While not to disrespect Joomla as a building tool, it does have its limitations to building site traffic.  We will be working with this site and turning it into three autonomous WordPress site. Please comment for suggestions on what directions you would see as beneficial. All comments will be taken seriously and thought will be given to any serious suggestions.
The site can be found here
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Comments (2)

  • Clint

    Looking forward to my revision. These guys have done so much to help with my new site and optimizing my old one.

    August 24, 2009 at 8:23 pm
  • Daniel

    I can’t believe he’s doing design again. Christian keeps tying new things, but always finds himself designing again.

    August 25, 2009 at 4:03 am

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