Google Authorship Is Dead & What That Means For Your SEO Strategy
The Authorship markup was first unveiled by Google in June 2011 and SEO Techs everywhere rejoiced. Its roots can be traced back to the company's Agent Rank patent of 2007. Bill Slawski, an expert on Google's patents, says that the Agent Rank patent is a type of system wherein multiple pieces of content are connected with a digital signature that represents one or more "agents" (authors).
Three years after Google Authorship was launched, the company decided to discontinue the project and SEO's everywhere cried a little. The announcement came from John Mueller of Google Webmaster Tools which he posted in Google+. According to Mueller, Google will stop displaying authorship in Google Search. Likewise, it will no longer track data from content with the rel=author markup in SERP rankings.
Google noticed that displaying the authorship information wasn't as useful as the company had thought it would be. At some point, it can even distract from the results. For these reasons, Google decided to axe the Authorship project.
Don't discount Author Rank as a result of this change and the reduced spinets.
According to Search Engine Land:
Google divulged that dropping Google Authorship shouldn't have an impact on how the In-depth articles section works so strong writers' SEO platforms should be intact. Google also explained that the dropping of Google Authorship won’t impact its other efforts to reward authors who perpetually make quality and engaging content. Well, if you read the above portion, you're likely scratching your heads. How is there to be author rank without authorship, when Google has also said that it’s ignoring authorship markup? The answer is that Google has other ways to the author of a quality story, if it wants. In particular, Google is likely to look for visible "bylines" and citations that often appear on news stories and blog posts. These existed before Google Authorship, and they aren't going away. One thing to keep in mind, you will want to ensure that all of your titled work is consolidated under the account name you will want tracked.Author Rank Is Real — And Continues!
Schmidt was just speculating in his book, not describing anything that was actually happening at Google. From Google itself, there was talk several times last year of making use of Author Rank as a way to identify subject experts and somehow boost them in the search results:
- Google Authority Boost: Google’s Algorithm To Determine Which Site Is A Subject Authority, May 2013
- Google’s Matt Cutts: Someday, Perhaps Ranking Benefits From Using Rel=”Author”, June 2013
- Google Still Working On Promoting Subject-Specific Authorities In Search Results, December 2013
That was still all talk. The first real action came in March of this year. After Amit Singhal, the head of Google Search, said that Author Rank still wasn't being used, the head of Google’s web spam team gave a caveat of where Author Rank was used: for the “In-depth articles” section, when it sometimes appears, of Google’s search results.
Low-Cost, HIgh-Impact Ways Businesses Can Boost Local Sales
If you're a small business owner, you've likely felt some pains because of the tighter lending regulations from banks. Your advertising budgets are already small or non-existent, making advertising even harder now. Fortunately, digital advertising has some low-cost options, allowing small businesses to be able to expand their limited budgets.
Many small businesses have Facebook and Twitter pages, and maybe a few listings in local directories, but that is the extent of their advertising. This is not for lack of interest, however. In a recent study released by market research firm BIA/Kelsey, 40 percent of small and midsized businesses plans to increase digital spending in the next year.
So how can businesses get the best return on investment from digital, internet and social media advertising methods?
It is understandable that companies do not want to put up the cash for traditional outbound marketing techniques, but there are actually a lot of inexpensive (and free) ways to market a business online that are underutilized. If you want to maximize your online presence, look beyond the typical social networks and directories and make use of these options as well:
Register your company with Google’s Places for Business. It's estimated that 97 percent of consumers decide what local businesses to frequent based on an online search? This free service from Google, Places for Business, literally puts you “on the map” so people can find the products or services you offer on a local level. If you do not have an office that is open to the public, you can choose a service area option during signup and hide your physical address. If you have multiple locations, you will want to sign up separately for each spot. Additionally, you will want to be added to several citation sites, to reinforce the Google Places listing. Ensure that the location, phone, and name of your business are the same on each of these sites. Bet results come from consistency.
Join your local Chamber of Commerce. For a small annual fee, you can take advantage of the many networking opportunities your local Chamber of Commerce provides. This is an excellent way to learn about the ways area laws will affect your business operations and also to rub elbows with potential clients. Usually new members get the chance to promote their business on the Chamber’s website or in its newsletter which could lead to a boost in business.
Seek out barter swaps with other local companies. This can take many different forms depending on the resources that you have available to trade. Consider comparable online banner ads or just simply leaving business cards at each other’s physical locations. You may also want to look into exchanging guest blog posts with other area businesses. By linking to each other, you will build up search engine credibility for people searching businesses in your area. There are really no limits here and business swap ideas are free. Try to find companies that make sense with which to trade – for example, a home inspector may find value in a swap relationship with a local Realtor or property management office.
Make a business video. People love to watch videos online, so why not ride that wave? Make a brief video explaining your services or products and post it several places, including your official website and YouTube. Show your expertise in your field with a video that explains what you do and why you are the best at it. People like to put a face with a business name, especially when it comes to local companies, so give them a reason to pick you over the other options.
Make Sure your Chicago Area Small Business is found on Google| Small Business SEO
5 SEO Tips for Launching a New Website and New Brand
- As you transition from your old website to a new SEO targeted Website, you can maintain the link equity in which you have invested in already. This is vital for getting your new website to rank quickly. The most effective way to achieve this would be to leave your URLs untouched. However, this is not always possible y if you make an attempt to improve your URL structure or moving to a new domain. Often, updating to a strong Database Built Web Design will result in some changes to link mapping.
- Images are ideal to make your new website engaging and attractive. Unfortunately, search engines have not reached a point yet where they can decode content that is image-based. The use of alt tags can enable search engines to comprehend the meaning of images; this can also be valuable for those who are visually impaired. Alt tags should be vivid and entail the same keywords for which your page aims to rank.
- External links can enable link authority to your website, while internal links can distribute that particular authority across your website pages. In page cross-linking, there are opportunities for appropriate referrals to additional pages with relevant data; they are typically unheeded during a redesign. Page copy can be an ideal place to link to deeper website pages with anchor text to point to long-tail keywords.
- Local results have taken a greater standing in the SERPs. Naturally, it depends on your brand; so, local can be your strategy instead of a small portion of your overall plan. Keep in mind, locally focused works only if your business model is only focused locally. There are several locally relevant recommendations to consider in combination with your fresh new website launch, but most importantly, your maps should always be the focus of local SEO. Our Naperville Web Design and SEO Team targets citation listings (map directories) and locally relevant review sites to ensure for a cohesive and universal set of data descriptions.
- A new Google search feature in authorship is expected to increase in relevance over time. Author-Ranking is the future of authorship where pages are ranked based on the authority of the writer, as opposed to the authority of the page/website. An investment in authorship can help you not only in the short term, but the long term as well. We suggest that your content creators work on and off of your sites to develop a stronger authorship ranking.
Tips to Streamline Online Marketing Budgets
What Are The Best Management Groups For My PPC Campaign?
1. Paying For What You Don't Have To
Our encounter last week began with a web design client of ours asking us to add some of his PPC keywords into his site. This is perfectly common and highly encouraged. The better the keyword score in the content, the lower the keyword will cost... (so use it...). What surprised us was that the client was being charged for any and all variations of their own business name. Even worse, they were being charged for their competitions business name. Keywords are generally for prospective customers that don't know the business that they are looking for, not for your assured clients that already know who you are. Title tags should be used to make sure that your business name keeps you up top, but paying for a listing directly above your organic listing is absolutely ridiculous and highly dishonest by your marketing management team. If you find that you are paying for your business name, it would be highly advised to demand an audit of clicks to that keyword and a refund for them. In the future, I would also suggest ensuring that they are never added to a campaign. -the only exception to this rule is for large companies that have scam sites attempting to take traffic, sadly, these still need title payment-2. Wanted But Unneeded PPC Keywords
At what point are you happy with your position in the search engines? There are arguments that say first on everything, and then there are those that say bottom of first page. The debate on placement will continue to rage with no winners but several losers. The problem is that it's so case specific that nothing can be considered doctrine. The only thing certain is that there is a point when the owner should feel comfortable in his organic, and comfortable in his Search Engine Marketing(SEM). If a keyword cost $50.00/click, but you rank on the middle of Page 2, is it worth it to pay for a listing? The hard answer is "probably not, but possibly maybe". No one can say with absolute assurance that this keyword will inspire a client. No one can say with any certainty that a client will not be born from someone clicking the add. The point is to maximize the performance of your add campaign. This requires sitting down with a calculator, a rank checking script ( We use Traffic Travis because the cartoon is cute), and weighing which keywords will pay for themselves and provide the best profits for the money spent. This process should not be painless, and should not be quick. This should be a process where both parties delve into the need of each keyword to make sure for effectiveness. If this is something that is blown off or rushed by your advertisement representative, then I would suggest caution. Nothing is worse than moving to quickly through a situation and purchasing something that wasn't needed. Proper management of your funds will lead to better returns on your investments.3.Dishonest Practices
Most advertising management companies that you can meet face to face are going to be reputable. There are a few out the who are not honest, but they often don't survive a market based on the value of public image. Most dishonest practices tend to come from Cold Calling representatives who either refuse to meet in person, or can't because they live somewhere completely out of range. It is highly suggested to conduct a simple Google search of a reps number as soon as you hear from them. In this day and age of shared information, people are quick to report harassing calls from marketers, and more importantly, the ones that are selling a Scam. While it's true that not every company can be met with face to face, it is highly suggested to only teleconference with companies that have proven themselves to be reputable. If you conduct a search and find nothing but complaints, it's a good possibility that you will want to avoid their practices. There are companies that have been spammed, and as much as we fight against these practices, the ultimate goal for you as a business owners is to safeguard your business. Keep in mind, not every marketing company is suitable for your business. Likewise, your business might not be suitable for the marketing agency. Each agency has its strong-suits and they may differ from your company goals. Come prepared with questions relevant to your business goals. After all, no matter how reputable, honest and effective the marketing company may be, if they don't know your exact goals for the future, they will be unable to perform to peak performance. For a list of trusted marketing agents, we suggest asking businesses that have been around for some time. Ask them what companies they have worked with. Study the trends in conversation. Like all situations, if you stick with the winners, you'll follow their path.August-September Newsletter
Free Marketing Tips Offered Within Our Blog
For the past several months, we have been decisively studying a new wave of marketing methods. We want to share this knowledge with everyone who wants to learn how to upgrade and manage the organic SEO of your own site. These methods are usually free and require little more than an hour a day to improve the quantity and quality of visitors to your sites. We're discovering the importance of a load of critical but unexciting things like:- Researching your market
- Testing different propositions to suit your chosen market
- Learning how to write compelling copy
- And trying out a range of content to see what works best
Free Optimization Webinar
Our business development guy, Christian, recently attended several seminar on web site optimization and wants to share and disseminate the information to all of our associates. We’re following up with our own free webinar to give time to answer our clients and all attendees’ questions. We also commit to analyse a few sample sites submitted in advance of the webinar. This will probably be on Monday September 23rd at around 13.00-15.00 Central time, but I’ll confirm the date & time later. If you would like to attend, watch out for an email from me in the next week or so, and I’ll give you the link. Places are limited to 100, but we may follow up with more over the following weeks, so if you don’t get on, please let me know. Our goal is to share all of our knowledge with the public. The day of paying insane amounts for someone else to monitor and maintain your SEO campaign are definitely not over, but we want to at least show you how to take control of your marketing should you choose to.Avoiding Spam When Building Strong Backlinks Part 2
- Only leave comments that are a full, comprehensible sentence.
- Sign up for updates on future comments. This can ensure many links and a future relationship between your site and the site you are commenting on.
- Leave only on link on the site, the one in your name description. Leaving tons of links in the content of your comments makes it strongly resemble an unwanted communication, leaving many to list your comments as spam. If your site links or email addresses becomes associated as spam, it’s very likely that your future comments on other blogs will be filtered as well.
- Leave the auto commenting software to those who don’t mind being banned from the search engines. It’s just not worth it.
- Read the articles!!! There will always be a better exchange of ideas when you do and you’ll likely receive more convertible visitors to your website if they believe your communication to be respectful.
Ensuring Quality Backlinks For Your Website Part 1
Excellent Free SEO Monitoring Websites
- Google Analyticor- OK, To those who always wish to bash the resource, I start by agreeing with you that Google looses a lot of information when scripts are blocked. That being said, the number of people using script blockers is still not that high, so it's really a moot point. Google Analyticor is the most widely used website traffic index and is at least one must for web traffic monitoring. -to avoid the debate, that's all we're saying about Google today-
- Majestic SEO Tools- While Majestic has been around and has had a major resource for a few years now, the past year has offered a lot of new and useful tools within the site. While it requires an account to gain access to some of the better tools, they are well worth the free account and the ten minutes it takes to set it up. After a month of indexed tracking, Majestic provides a complete breakdown of all your website backlinks. This is quite useful in determining and targeting where to make more backlinks and what anchor text to use with them. Granted, there are plenty of costly and buggy forms of software that will perform this function, but most of them accompany an affiliate scam or someone's get rich quick "Pyramid Scam". While the data for the links may be lagging, it's fairly respectable in determining the needs of a backlink campaign.
- Quantcast - Same as below...
- Compete- Do they help? Honestly, not so much. What they do offer is valued information for those considering advertising on your website. While many would argue, and often I'd agree with them that the information in both sites is a random guess, they are free and offer a strong form of traffic evidence when looking to sell ad-space on your site. Whether you like them or not, it would be suggested to get listed within their database. While you may not like or trust their services, most advertising groups are going to want to see their numbers to put ads on your site.
- SEOmoz Free Tools- These are an incredible assortment of custom tools designed for and by SEOmoz. The SEO tools and link structure tools provided here are much stronger than most of their competition offers. While we have yet to try their Pro Tools for review, we will soon be putting it to the test. All I can say it that if the pro tools excel well above the free tools, we will likely remain a customer and refer our clients. The free tools include several strong tools, but the best one and most unique is the "Trifecta Tool". This tool gives a full breakdown of a site in Page, Domain, or Blog format. The information given here is usually free in it's individual formats, but the way that they collate and arrange the data makes for a clean and valuable view of a websites performance. It's well worth signing up for a free account to try it out.
- HUBSpot Program - What can't be said for the brilliant strategy of Inbound Marketing that HUBSpot has highlighted with this and many of its other websites. is one of the most widely used website evaluation websites in use today. With over 2.6 Million sites graded to date and an Alexa ranking around 2,000, they are becoming the most widely use "quick check" for determining any websites effectiveness. We, like anyone else who has received it, value the 99% grade we were given by and view and updated score from them on a weekly basis to see what adjustments need to be made. If you have yet to run your site through their system, give it a try. The information given will only serve to increase the reach and effectiveness of your website.
Downtime Can Be A Nightmare
- Sitemap Index - a PHP virtual sitemap built upon every update.
- Google News XML Sitemap -Automatically generate an XML sitemap for inclusion to Google News 2.0
- XML Sitemap Feed - Creates a feed that complies with the XML Sitemap